Bloomington I, 1987, 48×60, oil on canvas
Bright Roof Tops, 1986, 22×28, oil on canvas
Kansas City West – Red and Green, 1982, 48×60, oil on canvas
Landscape with Yellow Dots, 1983, 10×15, oil on canvas
Still Life with Ajax, 1979, 48×90, oil on canvas
9th and Spring Garden, 1984, 55×65, oil on canvas
Backyard I, 1973, 36×36, oil on canvas
Backyard – Red Snow, 1973, 36×36, oil on canvas
Inquirer Building, 1984, 70×50, oil on canvas
Limehouse Wharf / Lorries, 1984, 25×29, oil on canvas
More than Red, Yellow and Blue, 1980,42×57, oil on canvas
Study for Bloomington, 1987, 18×24, charcoal on paper
Clothes Line Post, 1989, 12×18, oil on canvas
Landscape with Black Dots, 1986, 14×20, oil on canvas
Cucumber Frame – Fall, 1987, 48×42, oil on canvas
Forsythia, Clothes Post & Billboard, 1987, 16×18, oil on canvas
Quarries – Spring Green, 1988, 19×23, oil on canvas
St. David’s Church Yard, 1971, 48×60, oil on canvas
Old Reading Station, 1980, 38×44, charcoal on paper